Codupha welcomes customers!
Customers can order online at the website codupha.com.vn through 8 basic setup steps.
Please refer to the detailed information about each step of ordering as follows:
1. Visit the website codupha.com.vn
Please visit the website at codupha.com.vn.
2. Search for products for sale
You can find products in 3 ways:
Type the product name into the search bar.
Search by category in the Menu bar “Products”
Click on the product on the homepage.
3. Add products to the cart.
When you find the product you want, please click on the image or product name to be taken to the product’s detailed information page, then:
Check product information such as price and promotional information.
Select the desired quantity.
Add the product to the cart.
When the first product impacts the goods, please take the following steps to add other products to the order:
Click back to return to the Functional Foods page, or type a product search in the toolbar. Add another product to the row using the same steps as above.
This process can be repeated until you have completed removing all the products needed to be purchased from the cart.
Every time a product is added to the goods, a small image of the goods will be displayed on the right. Click “CHECKOUT” if the customer has finished selecting the products they want to buy.
4. Check the goods and place the order.
You can put different products in one order. The products in the cart will be packed into 1 package and delivered to the address you have registered.
After you have enough products to put in your cart, please use the discount code (if any) and continue the following steps to place an order: Adjust the quantity and update the goods. Fill in the address row.
5. Select a payment method and “Set Buy.” Codupha supports delivery and door-to-door payment for orders nationwide.
Please refer to “The payment methods.”
After completing the payment process of the selected method, please double-check the following information: They will issue a VAT invoice (if any), delivery address, promotion price, and total amount.
If the above information is correct, please click “SHOPPING.” The system will start to create an order based on the information you have registered.
6. Check and confirm the order
After completing all the ordering steps, the system will send the customer an order number and an estimated delivery time via email. You can check the order by clicking “Check orders by phone number or order confirmation email.”
7. Order tracking
After placing your order successfully, you can track the processing and shipping of your order by clicking on the icon to check your order with your phone number and order right on bostonpharma.com.vn, the home page.